Exercises, Games and Materials for Measurable Grade Improvements


Your students can vastly improve their spelling and reading ability by regularly typing texts. “Type your way to success!” Is the fourth chapter in my book, “Dyslexia: Prove teachers and experts WRONG!“ This chapter, like most of the book, addresses the parent.

As teacher or pedagogue, you can use the described know-how even more effectively and it is so simple! Please note: success is achieved through daily application!

The typing exercise is the best method for memorizing vocabulary and also grammar for foreign languages.
Just as effective and much more fun are letter games ranging from “Educational Insights Playfoam Shape & Learn Alphabet Set”, to “Junior Scrabble” or “Scrabble” for the more advanced – also for suitable foreign languages.

You can find some nice games the children can play at home or in the classroom in chapter 5 “Alphabet soup Games for better marks”. And, never forget: single letters only!


Suitable Materials: any objects that can be individually counted out loud. Practitioners should find the chapter “Five and six are nine?” more than useful.


We developed these games and materials as an ‘It’s-So-Easy Packet’ for at home and in the school. In Germany, Switzerland and Austria, we offer parents a money-back-guarantee if their child doesn’t improve 2 grades within 12 months. We accompany the parents by telephone and mail.

If desired, modified versions, will later be available for implementation in charter schools in the USA.

It’s-So-Easy-Packet Dyslexia

It’s-So-Easy-Packet Dyscalculia

Audio-Visual Stimulation

We work together with pediatricians who specialise in the treatment of ADHS and also experts in entrainment technology and neurofeedback.
